What is a R.E.A.C.H. Group?
R.E.A.C.H Groups are small group Bible studies designed to give believers an avenue to grow to Christian maturity, as they fellowship and study the Bible together in homes over a 7-week period.
What does R.E.A.C.H. stand for?
R - Relationships --The body of Christ is about people ‘fitted’ together like bricks in a building. We are to be placed one next to another, like a mason might stack bricks or stones, fitted into place by the relationship we have in common with Christ as redeemed people.
E - Established -- That speaks to the ‘fitted’ part…we are set in place next to one another for the overall design in the Builder’s purpose and plan. Finding that place and surrendering to where the Builder places us is important to the strength and function of the church.
A - Around -- Focused on the plan, centered on our purpose, we become a useful stone only because we are put in place by the Master Builder. A stone laying in a heap is not fulfilling a purpose. A stone lying alone is just a stone.
C - Christ's --Christ’s body has many parts…and they are all His. A thumb does not belong to itself…it belongs to the body. We are his possession, and should function and work in our place to fulfill the plans for the kingdom of God.
H - Heart -- What is God’s desire, His longing for his bride, the church? That we belong to Him, for a deep and passionate relationship with Him first, and then with one another. Those relationships equip us to reach the lost and the desperate, those who do not know Him as their Savior and Lord.
What do we do with our kids?
During these groups we have ministries for our children and preteens at the KLF Campus.
Why are these groups important?
These groups are the backbone of our discipleship ministry here at KLF.
This is where we grow in our relationship to Christ and toward other believers.
How do these groups work?
All first-time attendees are required to get a glimpse of the early Church by being a part of the Acts study. After completion of the Acts group, members are then encouraged to enroll in the upcoming group of their choice. There are new studies being written by our staff every cycle and each of them is designed to challenge and transform us by the power of God’s Word.
How do I sign up for a R.E.A.C.H. Group?
When enrollment opens you can sign up on our church center app
or go to the Key Life Fellowship Church Center page.
What if I have more questions about R.E.A.C.H.?
Contact Pastor Jacob @ 281-689-1604
We can’t wait to grow with you in
one of our upcoming R.E.A.C.H. Group Cycles!